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of Port Ludlow is the author of 13 books.

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Anthony E. Larson
P.O. Box 942
Alturas, CA
A freelance journalist, I write for newspapers, magazines, websites, promotional/educational publications as well as scripting video productions. Additionally, I am a composer with a long list of advertising and documentary credits, including a CLIO nomination. A keen interest in ancient history, as it applies to the restored gospel, has led me to write prolifically on the subject.
B000722234Parallel histories: The Nephites and the Americans (Unknown Binding)
B000C1WZH8And the Earth Shall Reel To and Fro (The Prophecy Trilogy, 2) (Paperback)
B000NAEG34And the Moon Shall Turn to Blood: The Prophecy Trilogy Volume 1 (Paperback)
B000O7Q4E0The Plainest Book Revelation (Paperback)
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